20412 118A AVE NW, EDMONTON, AB 1-780-455-9242
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Storing Antique Furniture: Protection Strategies for Storage Units

Antique furniture is valuable and often holds sentimental importance, making its preservation a top priority for collectors and inheritors. When storing these treasures in a storage unit, it’s crucial to adopt strategies that protect them from moisture, pests, and temperature fluctuations. Here are essential steps to ensure your antique furniture remains pristine during storage.

Clean and Prepare Your Furniture

Before storing any piece of antique furniture, ensure it is thoroughly cleaned. Dust and polish wood items with a gentle cleaner appropriate for antiques to prevent any existing dirt from causing damage over time. Use a fabric cleaner to remove any stains or odours for upholstered pieces. Allow all pieces to dry completely to prevent mould or mildew from developing in storage.

Protect from Moisture

Moisture can be devastating for antique furniture. To safeguard your pieces, elevate them off the ground on pallets to allow air circulation and reduce the risk of moisture absorption from the floor. Consider using desiccants like silica gel in and around your furniture to absorb any excess humidity.

Wrap Furniture Properly

Wrap your furniture in breathable materials to prevent scratches, dust accumulation, and pests. Avoid plastic wraps, as they can trap moisture; instead, use cotton sheets or blankets. For additional protection, you might cover the fabric with a layer of bubble wrap, which adds a buffer against bumps and knocks.

Guard Against Pests

Pests can cause significant damage to stored furniture. To avoid attracting pests, ensure your storage unit is clean and free from food residues. Use natural deterrents such as cedar blocks or lavender sachets, which can repel moths and insects without harming your furniture with harsh chemicals.

Arrange Strategically

Place heavier items at the bottom and avoid stacking furniture if possible. If you must stack items due to space constraints, ensure that heavier pieces do not sit atop more delicate ones. Allow space between items to facilitate airflow and prevent unwanted pressure on antique joints and finishes.

Regular Checks

Visit your storage unit regularly to inspect your furniture for signs of damage or pest infestation. Frequent checks can help catch any issues early before they become significant problems, ensuring ongoing protection for your antiques.

Storing antique furniture requires careful preparation and ongoing vigilance to preserve its quality and craftsmanship. Following these steps can minimize the risks of moisture, pests, and temperature fluctuations.

Yellowhead Storage provides secure units perfect for storing antique furniture and other valuable items for those in the Edmonton area looking for a reliable storage solution. Their commitment to maintaining optimal conditions and security makes them an excellent choice for preserving your cherished pieces.

By taking the proper precautions, you ensure that your antique furniture withstands the test of time, even while in storage.
